
unity is strength story

Once upon a time, there was a wise old man who used to live with his wife and two sons in a certain village. People of the village adored him for his wisdom ad gentle behavior.  

But he was very worried about his sons because they were not like their father; they used to quarrel with each other. Therefore, the wise man was planning how to stop their quarrel. His concern for his sons led to a great lesson. One day he summoned both of them and said to them, "Go and bring some sticks." 

A moment later the sons returned to their father with some sticks and one of them said to him, "I cannot understand why you've told us to bring some sticks." "Just tie the sticks together and make a bundle", the old man ordered his sons. One of them immediately left the place and came back with a piece of rope to tie the sticks. 

After tying the sticks together they asked their father what they could do with the sticks. The old man asked them if they could break the bundle. Both of them tried heart and soul to break the sticks, but none could do it. 

Then, the man told them to untie the bundle and break a stick. Both of them easily broke the stick they tried to break. 

"I hope that you've learned the hidden lesson I'm trying to teach you", the old man told them. "If you two quarrel with each other and stay away from each other, your enemy can easily destroy you, but if you stay together others will not dare to harm you." "I can clearly understand the lesson, father", one of them said to the father. Another confirmed, "We'll never quarrel with each other from now."  Since then, they started living happily ever after. 

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