

A long time ago there was a king whose name was Solomon. People used to adore him as a wealthy and wise king. In fact, his wisdom spread very far and wide. Once the Queen of Sheba also became informed about the king's magnificence and wisdom. But she felt puzzled to believe the news about Solomon. She became very curious to see the king and test his wisdom. Therefore, she decided to visit his kingdom. 

She reached his kingdom with a lot of gifts for Solomon. She also brought two garlands of flowers--one is natural and another one is artificial though both of them looked similar. Solomon received the Queen of Sheba like the way one king of a territory receives another one from another land. The queen became very pleased with the king's hospitality. 

Finding a suitable situation, the queen placed the two garlands of flowers before Solomon and said to the king, "Oh wise king, look at the garlands of flowers and choose the natural garland of roses I've brought for you." The king became silent for a while and looked outside.
Noticing the humming of bees outside, Solomon commanded one of his men, "Open the window so that bees can enter the room." The moment the bees entered the room and sat on one of the garlands of flowers, the king explained to the queen, "This is the natural garland of flowers because a bee cannot prefer an artificial flower to a natural one." 

The queen became amazed at Solomon's presence of mind and wisdom. Admiring the king she cried out, "You are not only a good king but also a wise one." "May Almighty ensure you a happy and healthy life!" Thus, she also became an admirer of the wisdom of Solomon.   

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