
the golden touch story

He was king Midas who was fond of gold. He had a lot of gold, but he was not satisfied with it. He wanted more gold. He said to himself, "if everything  I touch turns to gold!" 
His words reached a god's ear. The god wanted to teach the greedy king a good lesson. So, the god granted the king's wish. 
One day, in the evening time, when the king was roaming around his garden, he was impressed by the beauty of a white flower. He went to the flower and touched it. He became spell bounded to see that his touch transformed the flower into gold. He then touched another flower which also turned into gold. He was completely overjoyed.
Suddenly he saw his daughter running towards him. Whenever he hugged his daughter she turned into gold. Seeing his daughter's transformation his utter pleasure turned into an immense shock that he could not tolerate. He started crying and said, "O god, I don't want gold anymore; I don't want such a destructive blessing!" 
In the absence of his daughter, he felt a loss of the warmth of life which is more important than any other precious material asset. Though he was in the midst of wealth, he felt the emptiness of life. He again prayed to god, "Please return my daughter and take back the ruinous blessing!" The god felt happy that the king understood the real source of happiness.  
The god again granted the king's wish. After a moment, his daughter returned to life. 
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