
Astronauts use rockets to go to space. This kind of rocket must be very speedy and can escape the Earth's gravity. Escaping Earth's gravity requires a rocket that can reach a speed of 40,000 km/h (24,840 mph). This is known as the Earth's escape velocity. Rockets use liquid hydrogen as fuel, which is ignited under compression (Macdonald). "Rockets are designed to fall in stages so that when the fuel of one stage is used up, the next stage takes over", (ibid). Rocket's first stage has a very powerful engine and a massive fuel tank; afterward, the second stage automatically separates itself from the protective cover (ibid). As a result, the first stage has to fall to the Earth (ibid). Finally, only the Rocket's payload section remains in Space (ibid).  

Space is infinite; it has no boundary. That is why there is always a mission control center that runs all the trips. It keeps track of the voyage. If necessary, the astronauts or cosmonauts can also communicate with the center.

Do you know the difference between an astronaut and a cosmonaut? When the word cosmonaut is used by Russians, "astronaut" is used by Americans and the rest of the world. Both "astronauts" and "cosmonauts" are trained to travel in a spacecraft. 

Space has no atmosphere; space has no gravity. So, without gravity, everything has to float; without atmosphere oxygen or any other gasses cannot be imagined. Therefore going to space require special training. The astronauts or the cosmonauts are to wear special spacesuits to have conditions necessary to maintain themselves to work in space. This spacesuit protects them from the absence of gravity and harmful radiations of the Sun. Sometimes, the astronauts or cosmonauts are to come out of their spacecraft. How can they do so? They can do it by using a special vehicle so that they can travel small distances in space. Though it is very dangerous to walk in space, they are to do so to recover damaged or broken satellites. 

Man's first great mission was reaching the moon on 21st July 1969. Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, two American astronauts fulfilled mankind's dream. The moon is still the solo extraterrestrial body when human beings put their feet. 

While a spacecraft is used to carry human beings into space, a space probe is sent into space to explore and study space beyond human reach. 

Probes are sent into space permanently. Their task is to study the heavenly bodies and send photographs to Earth before drifting into Space. 

Have you ever thought about how astronauts or cosmonauts can stay in Space for months after months? It has been possible because of the space station which is called a space laboratory. In this space station, astronauts carry out their studies. These studies are impossible on earth because of the planet's gravity. Astronauts or cosmonauts receive a regular supply of food and other necessary things from manned and unmanned spacecraft. 

Working and living in the absence of gravity is very difficult. Astronauts or cosmonauts are to take physical exercise to keep themselves fit. Valeri Polyakov was a Russian cosmonaut who stayed for the longest period: 14 months (January 1994 to March 1995).  

Works Cited

Macdonald, Charles. The Universe. 2004. Ninth ed., GURGAON - 122001, India, THE BOOK PARADISE, 2015.

McGowan, Brian. “Apollo Lunar Module from a Recent Trip to Kennedy Space Center.,”, 16 Feb. 2020, Accessed 3 Oct. 2022.

Nasa. “The International Space Station,”, 25 Feb. 2021, Accessed 3 Oct. 2022.

Otterloo, Sieuwert. “Mission Control, These Are the Actual Control Stations from the Apollo Moon Program.,”, 7 Mar. 2020, Accessed 3 Oct. 2022.  

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