
Exercise on Parts of Speech

1. Identify the word that can be used as a verb.

a. water        b. master        c. work    d. all

2.  A barking dog seldom bites. What "barking" is

a. noun        b. gerund    c. participle    d. adjective

3. He was an adorable person. Which of the following words does the underlined word refer?

a. adjective    b. verb    c. noun    d. adverb

4. What, which, who, that are--

a. demonstrative pronoun     b. relative pronoun
c. distributive pronoun         d. interrogative pronoun 

5. I visited the doctor yesterday. The underlined word is a/an 

a. Adjective         b. adverb         c. verb    d. noun

6. I need some information about the person. Which of the following options does "information" point to?

a. proper noun    b. common noun    c. collective noun    d. abstract noun

7. "Flock" is a/an

a. proper noun         b. common noun    
c. collective noun    d. material noun

8. "City" is a/an

a. proper noun             b. common noun
c. collective noun        d. material noun

9. I know all the students. What does the underlined word refer to?

a. adverb        b. adjective    c. verb     d. pronoun

10. Identify the parts of speech of the underlined word. It has been many years since I last met her. 

a. pronoun    b. adverb    c. conjunction    d. preposition

11. Identify the adverb

a. I met her before.                    b. he did it before us.
c. Think before you ink.            d. none

12. Which one of the followings is conjunction? 

a. I met her before.                b. He did it before us.
c. Think before you ink.        d. none

13. Identify the usage of the preposition from the following options.
a. I met her before.            b. Think before you ink.
c. He did it before us.        d. none

14. Which of the following options has used "but" as an adverb?

a. None but (except) John was present in the meeting.
b. She is but (only) a child.
c. She is poor but meritorious.
d. None

15. Which of the following options has used "but" as a preposition?

a. None but (except) John was present in the meeting.
b. She is but (only) a child.
c. She is poor but meritorious.
d. None

16. Which of the following options has used "but" as a conjunction?

a. None but (except) John was present in the meeting.
b. She is but (only) a child.
c. She is poor but meritorious.
d. None

17. Identify the reflexive pronoun.

a. either    b. one    c. me     d. himself

18. Which of the followings is a noun?

a. sign    b. signature    c. adorable    d. narrate

19. What is the function of a participle in a sentence?

a. Noun    b. adverb    c. adjective     d. preposition

20. What is the function of a gerund in a sentence?

a. noun    b. adverb        c. adjective     d. preposition

 21. Dhaka is bigger than any other city in Bangladesh. Here, which parts of speech does the underlined word refer to?

a. noun    b. verb    c. adverb    d. adjective

22. Which of the followings is not a verb?

a. enlighten    b. shorten    c. enlarge    d. wider

23. Which one of the following words is not personal pronoun?

a. he    b. me    c. this    d. each

24. Dhaka is the capital city of Bangladesh. Here, "Dhaka is a 

a. proper noun                b. collective noun
c. common noun            d. material noun

25. Identify the demonstrative pronoun.

a. something    b. everybody
c. those            d. him

26. Which one is an indefinite pronoun?
a. everybody            b. somebody
c. nobody                d. all

27. Which one of the following words is a proper adjective?

a. American            b. first
c. beautiful             d. some

28. Which one of the following words is a numerical adjective?

a. American            b. first
c. beautiful             d. adjective

29. Which one of the following words is a qualitative adjective?

a. American    b. first   c. beautiful   d. some

30. Which one of the following words is a quantitative adjective?

a. American    b. first    c. beautiful    d. some

31. This is my pen. The underlined word is a 

a. proper adjective            b. pronominal adjective
c. qualitative adjective     d. quantitative adjective

32. Which one is the cardinal number? 

a. one    b. single    c. one-third    d. a & b

33. Identify the distributive pronoun

a. these     b. myself    c. each    d. that

34. He drives fast. Here, "fast" is a/an

a. adjective    b. verb    c. pronoun    d. adverb

35. He is very happy. "Very" is an adverb of 

a. manner    b. time    c. affirmation    d. intensifier

36. He treated us gently. "Gently" is an adverb of 

a. intensifier    b. downtoner    c. degree    d. manner

37. They are extremely sad. "extremely" is an adverb of 

a. degree    b. manner      c. negation    d. frequency

38. He always does that. The underlined word is an adverb of 

a. manner     b. frequency    c. degree    d. time

39. An adjective describes

a. verb, adverb    b. noun, pronoun    c. verb, noun    d. pronoun, verb

40. an adverb can describe

a. a verb    b. an adverb    c. an adjective    d. all

41. Auxiliary verb is of
a. two types    b. three types    c. four types    d. five types

42. Which option of the following ones indicates "be" verb?

a. am    b. should    c. was    d. a & c

43. Identify the modal auxiliary verb.

a. do    b. were    c. was    d. might

44. Which one of the following options is an example of an infinitive verb?

a. will write    b. to write    c. am writing    d. have written

45. Identify the example of a present participle.

a. Walking is good for health.    
b. she is fond of reading.
c. look at the floating raft.   
d. Having finished my work. I went out for a walk. 

46. Identify the example of a past participle.

a. Walking is good for health.
b. she is fond of reading.
c. look at the floating raft.
d. This is the book written by Rabindranath Tagore.

47. Identify the example of a gerund.

a. Walking is good for health.
b. she is fond of reading.
c. look at the floating raft.
d. a & b

48. Identify the example of a perfect participle.

a. Walking is good for health.
b. she is fond of reading.
c. look at the floating raft.
d. Having finished my work, I went out for a walk.

49. He works hard. The underlined word is

a. transitive verb    b. intransitive verb
c. linking verb    d. auxiliary verb 

50. He plays football. The underlined word is 

a. transitive verb    b. intransitive verb
c. linking verb    d. auxiliary verb 

51. He looks smart. The underlined word is 

a. transitive verb    b. intransitive verb
c. linking verb    d. auxiliary verb 

52. Finite verb has been classified into 

a. two types    b. three types
c. four types    d. five types

53. Principal verb has been classified into 

a. two types    b. three types    
c. four types    d. five types

54. Non-finite verb is of 

a. two types    b. three types
c. four types    d. five types

55. Which one is the non-finite verb?

a. infinitive    b. participle    c. gerund    d. all

56. Which one of the followings is the principal verb?

a. transitive    b. intransitive    c. linking    d. all

57. She has finished the task. the underlined word is 

a. linking verb    b. auxiliary verb
c. transitive verb    d. intransitive verb

58. she does it with much confidence. "Does" is

a. a main verb        b. an auxiliary verb
c. a linking verb     d. a non-finite verb

59. Does he do that? "Does" is

a. a main verb       b. an auxiliary verb
c. a linking verb    d. a non-finite verb

60. He is tired. "Is" is

a. a transitive verb    b. an intransitive verb
c. a linking verb       d. a modal auxiliary verb

61. What is the verb of "sharp"?

a. sharpness    b. sharpen    c. sharpening    d. sharp

62. Identify the verb of "belief"

a. belief    b. believe    c. believable    d. a & d.

63. Which pen do you want? The underlined word is

a. a relative adjective         b. an indefinite adjective
c. a possessive adjective    d. an interrogative adjective

64. Somebody needs help. Which pronoun does the underlined word belong to?

a. a demonstrative pronoun    b. an indefinite pronoun
c. a relative pronoun              d. a distributive pronoun

65. Identify the reflexive pronouns.

a. I, we, you, they               b. myself, ourselves, himself
c. this, these, that, those     d. each, every, either

66. He gets sick during the winter season. The underlined word is a 

a. disguised preposition    b. participle preposition
c. detached preposition    d. simple preposition

67. Identify the disguised preposition.

a. about    b. with    c. o'clock    d. a & c  

68. John is good __English

a. in    b. on    c. off    d. at  

69. I was surprised  ___ his response.

a. at    b. on    c. by    d. with  

70. T. S. Elliot  and Ezra introduced us ___ a new kind of poetry

a. for    b. by    c. with    d. to 

71. Identify the proper noun.

a. Bangladesh    b. Bible    c. Earth    d. all  

72. My college credited TK. 22000 ___ my account.

a. in    b. on    c. to    d. with

73. She has no aptitude ___dance.

a. to    b. with    c. in    d. for

74. What is she angry ___

a. with    b. at    c. to     d. for

75. Who is she angry ___ 

a. with    b. at    c. to    d. for

76. My father sent me a check ___TK. 5000.

a. on    b. of    c. for    d. with

77. The mango is sweet __the taste.

a. by    b. to    c. of    d. on

78. Water freezes __ 0 degree Celsius

a. in     b. on    c. by    d. at. 

79. She is surely innocent __ the crime.

a. in    b. on    c. about    d. of

80. The cottage was on a small island __ the middle of the lack. 

a. on    b. in    c. at    d. by

81. Do you face any difficulty __ a driving license?

a. to get    b. getting    c. in getting    d. having got

Correct Answers:

1. d 

2. c  

3. a 

4.  b

5. b  

6. d  

7. c  

8. b  

9. d  

10. b  

11. a  

12. c  





17. d 

18. b  

19. c  

20. a  

21. d  

22. d  

23. d  

24. a 

25. c 

26. d  

27. a  

28. b  

29. c  

30. d  

31. b  

32. a  

33. a 

34. d   

35. d 

36. d 

37. a  

38. b 

39. b 

40. d 

41. c 

42. d 

43. d  

44.  b

45. c  

46. d  

47. d 

48. d  

49. b 

50. a 

51. c 

52. a 

53. b  

54. b  

55. d  

56. d  

57. c 

58. a  

59. b  

60. b 

61. b  

62. b  

63. d  

64. b  

65. b 

66. b 

67. c 

68. d  


70. d 

71. d 



74. b 

75. a  



78.  d  



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Parts of Speech   Noun    Pronoun   Adjective   Verb   Adverb    Preposition   Conjunction   Interjection

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